Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Heart beat

In a resting body the adult heart beats 60-80 times per minute, pumping around 6 litres of blood per minute each beat creates a pressure surge thru the artery network in exercise it beats as much as 150 beats per minute pumping 40 litres of blood every minutes.



  1. Is it possible to birst a blood vessel from excercising to much there for makingyour heart beat really fast and making lots of blood pump throughout your heart and make a vein break ???? just wondering because I have heard somwhere that a person popped a vein or blood vessel......?????

  2. I think not because you would faint before anything of that per portion would happen. (I think)

  3. I dont think it is possible for you're heart to beat that fast and viens dont *birst* whatever that means.I have once broke a blood vessel and it was from extreme impact not too much blood.
    You're blood vessels create blood in you're body not you're heart therefore if you're heart pumps fast it just circulates you're blood faster through you're body. I like you're blog so far but i think you need to add more info before you post more. Don't forget to check out MY blog Tyson. :)

  4. Are you going to experiment? Because, I am curious how your Resting heart rate will change after consuming some caffeine. If it's normally 60-80 beats, what will it be after the drink?

    Tell me more about your presentation, too.

  5. My heart ratre was at 120 per min.
    i was flippin out
