Friday, May 29, 2009

2nd Post

I'm doing the Magazine and Experiment project I'm going to drink energy drink and read what I just put into my body, such as. And see the effects, like a guinea pig.

Caffeine works by blocking the effects of adenosine, a brain chemical involved in sleep. When caffeine blocks it, it causes neurons to fire. Thinking the body is in a emergency the pituitary glands start the body’s crazy response by releasing adrenaline. This hormone makes the heart beat faster and eyes to dilate. It also causes the liver to release extra sugar into the blood stream for energy. These response make you think you’re energized! Energy drinks are okay as long as you drink in moderation. (They are addictive).


1 comment:

  1. This sounds really interesting. What are neurons anyway?

    I was a little confused about adenosine...are you sure that that chemical is involved in sleep? Could you include a web address in your next post so I could see where you got that info, cause that isn't what I know about adenosine and I'm really curious to learn more.
